Development Focused, Simple, Flexible 360 Surveys

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Who Typically Provides Feedback In A 360 Feedback Survey?

In the realm of leadership development, one of the most valuable tools at your disposal is the 360 feedback survey. This tool allows organizations to gather insights and feedback from a variety of sources, providing a comprehensive view of an individual's leadership skills. In this article, we'll explore the key elements of 360 feedback surveys and who typically provides feedback.

The 360 Feedback Process

A 360 feedback survey involves gathering input from multiple perspectives to assess an individual's performance, especially in leadership roles. The traditional rater groups in a 360 survey are as follows:

         Leader / Participant - This is the person being evaluated. It could be a leader or an individual contributor. In this category, the person rates their proficiency, and their Manager, Peers, Direct Reports, and Others rate the Participant's proficiency.

         Supervisor / Manager - This is the person to whom the participant reports directly. They provide valuable insights into the participant's performance and leadership qualities.

         Peers - These are individuals at the same organizational level as the participant. Peers include coworkers and co-team members who can offer a unique perspective on the participant's abilities.

         Direct Reports - These are individuals who report to the participant. In other words, the participant serves as their immediate supervisor, making their feedback crucial in understanding leadership capabilities.

         Others - This group comprises individuals with alternative business relationships who frequently work with the participant. It may include cross-functional team members, resource partners, dotted line employees, customers, and more. Their insights provide a broader perspective on the participant's leadership skills.


360 feedback surveys are a cornerstone of leadership development programs for several reasons:

●      360-Degree View: By involving multiple rater groups, organizations gain a holistic view of an individual's leadership skills. This comprehensive feedback helps in identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

●      Self-Reflection: Participants also assess their own performance, fostering self-awareness and accountability. This self-reflection can be a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth.

●      Informed Decision-Making: Organizations can make informed decisions about leadership development initiatives, training, and coaching based on the feedback received from various sources.

●      Enhanced Communication: 360 surveys encourage open and honest communication within the organization. They create a culture of feedback, which is essential for growth and development.


In the world of leadership development, 360 feedback surveys play a vital role in assessing and enhancing leadership skills. These surveys offer a comprehensive perspective on an individual's performance, thanks to the input from various rater groups. By embracing the power of 360-degree feedback, organizations can chart a path to effective leadership development and continued growth.

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