What Are Other Names For 360 Feedback Surveys?

A 360 feedback survey can also be called:

●       A 360 assessment

●       A 360 feedback instrument

●       A 360-degree feedback survey

●       A 360 degree survey

●       A 360 degree assessment

●       A multi-source feedback survey

●       A peer review survey

●       A 360 degree appraisal

●       A 360 degree review

●       A multi-rater feedback survey

These names are essentially synonyms for the same concept, but they might emphasize different aspects of the feedback process. For example, a multi-rater or multi-source feedback survey might highlight the diversity and comprehensiveness of the feedback sources, while a peer review survey might focus on the feedback from the employee's colleagues. A 360 degree appraisal or review might suggest a more formal and evaluative approach, while a 360 feedback survey might imply a more informal and developmental one.

Regardless of what you call it, a 360 feedback survey can be a valuable tool for enhancing your team's performance and growth. However, it is important to design and implement it carefully, with clear objectives, guidelines and follow-up actions. Otherwise, it might cause confusion, resentment or demotivation among your employees. If you need help with creating and conducting a 360 feedback survey, you can contact us at (801) 489-1211 or visit our website at STAR360feedback.com.

How to improve leadership performance

If you are looking for a way to improve your team's performance, communication and collaboration, you will want to consider using a 360 feedback survey. A 360 feedback survey is a tool that allows employees to receive feedback from multiple sources, such as their peers, managers, subordinates and customers. The feedback is usually anonymous and covers various aspects of the employee's work, such as their skills, behaviors, strengths and areas for improvement.

A 360 feedback survey can have many benefits for both the individual and the organization. It can help employees gain a better understanding of their own performance, identify their blind spots, learn from different perspectives, and set goals for their professional development. It can also help managers and leaders assess their team's strengths and weaknesses, provide coaching and mentoring, and foster a culture of feedback and learning.

To learn more, call (801) 489-1211 or request a demo here.


How Does 360-degree Feedback Help Organizations


What Is A 360-degree Feedback Survey?