360 Feedback Report Best Practices Overview: A Guide to Positive Behavior Change

The overarching objective of every 360 survey experience should be to create positive behavior change.  Leadership models and detailed data analysis are secondary to the helping participants understand and implement a practical change process. An effective 360 report teaches, motivates, and guides participants through the change process.

Our research and experience has identified six design principles that are essential for a report that transforms feedback into behavior change.

Click on each link below to read about each design principle:

1) The Report Should be Change-Centric

2) Empower A Positive Mindset

3) Guide Self Discovery, Not Prescribe

4) One at Time

5) Shift From Theory to Practical Action

6) Address Readiness to Change


🔒 Ensuring Confidentiality and Inclusivity in 360 Feedback 🔒


360 Feedback Report Best Practices - Part 6 of 6: Addressing Readiness to Change